Industrial Plant Dataset

The Industrial Plant Dataset is a complex amalgam of synchronous and asynchronous data types and data sources which must be collected, checked, structured and organized to service the business and operational scenarios of users, applications and business process.

Data Types Example
Operating Conditions Flow, pressure, temperatures, levels which represent the state of materials and equipment at any given time or for a given time interval
Quality Data Lab Results typically coming from LIMS, out of order relative to the operating conditions often crossing across reconciliation periods. It includes also s analyzer results and any property sensor (e.g. viscosity, density, etc)
Inventory Data Volume to mass conversation and compensation, strapping tables, etc.
Material Transfers List of all material movements (receipts, shipments, internal transfers, feed-ins, rundowns) with their respective start time, end time, origin and destinations and material transferred.
Utilities & Energy Consumption All ancillary measurements made on systems supporting mainstream operations. Similar in nature to all of the above but originating from different physical systems or networks.
Planning & Scheduling Data Data about the expectations which can related to any of the above categories and can help assess the actual vs. planned results.
Design Data Design data of equipment and systems can be referenced to provide and additional level of check and balances as well as develop intelligent substitution rules for occasional missing data.
Sigmafine Industrial Plant Data Set pictogram

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