Sigmafine Excel Add-In

Self-serve reporting & data analysis for Sigmafine users

The Sigmafine Excel Add-In is an easy-to-use and intuitive tool enabling access to model and case data in Sigmafine. Users can then utilize the powerful analytical, graphical, and formatting functions of Microsoft Excel to generate reports, views, and further the analysis of Sigmafine results.


  • Loads in Excel as a standard Add-In
  • Implements a Sigmafine ribbon and menu with dialog windows
  • Retrieves data both from a single case and multiple cases (e.g. for monthly reports)
  • Supports also complex attributes such as Component or Composition tracking data tables


  • Easy to use and zero-coding approach
  • Intuitive UI which exposes both model and case data
  • Compare Sigmafine results across different cases with ease


  • Rapîidly create custom reports
  • Engineers can further exploit Sigmafine data in a familiar environment

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