
Data validation in the digital oil field

Sigmafine improves the quality of near real-time data for enhanced decision making to improve operations and reduce costs.

Oil & Gas upstream

Sigmafine’s ability to run unattended makes it a suitable candidate for both a validation layer to integrate into the overall digital infrastructure, as well as a consistency layer to support business intelligence platforms and machine learning.

Around the world, digital oil and gas fields are working to make operations smarter and more cost-effective, leveraging the increased numbers of sensors, data sources, and connectivity routes available with the advent of new technologies and the IIoT. This level of connectivity makes information available in near real-time, empowering users and applications to analyze data at the exact moments they need it. However, this connectivity also requires a new level of data accuracy and consistency; in order for these near real-time analyses to improve operations, data must be properly validated, reconciled, conditioned, and ready for use.

production allocation

Production Allocation and Ownership

Once a balance model is in place; Sigmafine tracks the well source, the production of gas and oil, and the water re-injection over time, and allocates production according to the ownership quota of each source.


Meter Management

Identify meter performance issues and correct any imbalances (mass or volume) to minimize measurement errors and provide more accurate flow rate estimates.


Estimating Gas-Oil-Water Fractions

Sigmafine can verify well tests and laboratory analyses against the production of gas, oil, and re-injected water through an analysis that provides both mass and component balance.

performance monitoring

Improved Asset Monitoring

Sigmafine gives you a better insight to estimate, monitor, and control site losses

energy management

Energy Management

Accurately monitoring energy-intensive equipment is critical to improving usage and decreasing emissions.


Compliance Reporting

A single source of truth, allowing users to automatically transfer data to business systems and databases.

Supported Applications

Sigmafine’s comprehensive, model-based solution ensures the quality and consistency of data being measured, and thus reinforces the overall integrity and quality of the intelligence relied upon for informed business decisions.

  • Improved asset monitoring
  • Early detection of process deviations and measurement errors
  • Improved consistency and confidence level of production figures
  • Dependable back allocation production to both sources and owners

The Benefits of Improved Data Quality

Improved data quality in the oil and gas production industry is primarily associated with:

  • The model correlates the data coming from sensors located around the field (e.g. wells, the manifold, separator stages, etc.) to create a single and consistent dataset
  • The Sigmafine model relies on multiple data sources to confirm data accuracy via redundancy and thus creates a more reliable meter estimation.
  •  In addition to direct measurements, the Sigmafine model can include virtual sensors to infer flow rates from other process data (e.g. vertical lift performance tables and pressure measurements) or integrate with other data sources (e.g. importing flow rates from multi-phase simulations).

The Business Impact of Implementing Sigmafine

Customers who have implemented Sigmafine have achieved:

  • Daily production accounting automation
  • Simplified production allocation and ownership tracking
  • Equipment & site-wide performance monitoring
  • Loss monitoring
  • Results distribution throughout the organization
  • Improved production planning and logistics

On top of delivering these benefits that drive operational excellence, it’s been estimated that Sigmafine has a payback period of less than 6 months – a critical value proposition for customers who are tightening resources to stay competitive.


Digitalizing the Value Chain Mass Balance for an Integrated Energy Company

Digitalizing the Value Chain Mass Balance for an Integrated Energy Company – NIS

In this presentation, NIS, one of the largest vertically integrated energy companies in Southeast Europe, will share how they’re using Sigmafine and the PI System to serve the entire value chain, including 190 business and corporate users.

Mol & Sigmafine: Together on the road for more than 20 years! 

Mol & Sigmafine: Together on the road for more than 20 years! 

Learn how Mol uses Sigmafine to drive business strategy in close conjunction with refinery operations to ensure efficient energy management and deliver continued success.

Real-Time Data Strategy for Advanced Oil & Gas Operations - Houston

OSIsoft: Real-Time Data Strategy for Advanced Oil & Gas Operations – Houston

A look at how the use of real-time data has changed in the Oil & Gas industry, from capturing historical data towards advanced real-time data platforms.


Data validation in the digital oil field

Sigmafine improves the quality of near real-time data for enhanced decision making to improve operations and reduce costs.

Marco Lanteri

Marco Lanteri
Industry Principal for Oil & Gas
Pimsoft, S.p.A.

Americas & APAC

Pimsoft Inc.
757 N. Eldridge Parkway, Suite 725
Houston, TX, 77079,  USA

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Fax: +1 (281) 754-4421


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10121 Turin, ITALY

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