Sigmafine SQL Access

Exposing Sigmafine datasets to the most common reporting and dashboarding platforms

Sigmafine SQL Access exposes Sigmafine datasets in a SQL-based relational database for easy consumption by reporting and dashboarding software. It allows organizations to create and tailor corporate reports through the use of standard reporting packages and customization of layouts and data content and enables creating and sharing BI dashboards capable to provide insights into Sigmafine datasets.



  • All Sigmafine data exposed in tables with ready-made relations
  • Support for complex data formats and data tables
  • Efficient publishing mechanism with automation features such as scheduling and self-publishing
  • Designed to work with most standard reporting and dashboarding environments


  • Powerfully query the Sigmafine database
  • Make Sigmafine data accessible to third-party applications
  • Quick building of Sigmafine web reports and BI dashboards


  • Sigmafine web reports and BI dashboards can be distributed across the company
  • Integration in Sigmafine workflow to streamline business processes

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