Intelligent Movement Management (IMM)

Keeping track of all material movements in a single integrated application

IMM is a layered Sigmafine application used for the management of material movements in the process industries. It is a set of graphical tools and analytical plug-ins to manage the complete life cycle of material movement from the planning to the completion of the transfer.


Span of Application

Plan, manage, execute, and report movements of raw materials, intermediate, and finished products.  IMM also tracks the quality of materials being transferred and integrates the material movements directly in Sigmafine to improve the accuracy and precision of quantities transferred.

IMM unifies all information and rules relevant to material movements and creates a system of record for all reconciled movements and inventory positions which can be integrated with other business systems.


Scope of Application

  • System of Record for all material movements across multiple sites or areas
  • Validation layer to collect, consolidate, and reconcile movement data from existing oil movement systems
  • Integrated with existing production scheduling systems to enable planned vs. actual analysis
  • Integrated with ERP and Supply Chain Management systems to receive receipt and shipments information and return actual shipment details for billing, fiscal, and compliance reporting


  • Automatic movement quantity calculations
  • Automatic tank monitoring and calculations
  • Handles fiscal and non-fiscal movements
  • Support for different types of movements: internal, fenceline, and external movements
  • Routing path engine
  • Implements form, tabular and graphical views
  • Native integration with Sigmafine and the OSIsoft PI System
  • Open architecture supporting seamless integration with external systems


  • All movement management is done through a unique application and stored in a single system of records.
  • Eliminates the need for spreadsheets
  • Graphical and intuitive UI
  • Tracks quantities and qualities of movements as well as the composition of associated destination storage tanks.
  • Integrates with planning & scheduling systems


  • A single system of record for all material movements across multiple sites or areas
  • Reducing errors by using built-in rules
  • Provide the generation of fiscal reports
  • Reconciles quantities and qualities of movements and inventories to improve the accuracy and precision of all transfers

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